Heating technologies

Heating technologies

Electric range featuring a SCHOTT CERAN® cooktop panel

SCHOTT CERAN® and radiant heat: traditional burners are out.

Above all, a radiant kitchen range with a SCHOTT CERAN® cooktop saves energy while cooking, as well as, clean­ing the range. The red-glow­ing cooking zones are typical of this tech­nol­ogy, ra­di­at­ing heat and thus warming the vessel on the cooktop.

SCHOTT CERAN® in combination with induction technology

SCHOTT CERAN® and induction: a perfect combination.

With in­duc­tion, a cur­rent-car­ry­ing coil located beneath the cooktop gen­er­ates an al­ter­nat­ing mag­netic field. The result is that, when turned on, the cooking zone stays cool. When a pot made of fer­ro­mag­netic ma­te­r­ial is placed on the cooktop heat is gen­er­ated where it is needed – di­rectly at the bottom of the cook­ware. The cooking surface itself remains rel­a­tively cool; however, tem­per­a­tures up to 500°C (932 °F) can be reached. You can enjoy all of these ad­van­tages with SCHOTT CERAN® – and you also have a cooking surface that is elegant and easy to clean.

Cross section of electric heating technology

  1. Elec­tric­ity heats a coil beneath the glass-ce­ramic surface.
  2. The red-glow­ing coil heats the glass-ce­ramic in the cooking zone.
  3. The heat is dis­persed ho­mo­ge­neously. The vessel on the cooking zone is warmed by the heat con­ducted by the glass-ce­ramic and ra­di­at­ing from the coil. The un­heated surface remains rel­a­tively cool.
  4. The SCHOTT CERAN® glass-ce­ramic cooktop con­tin­ues to emit heat after it is turned off, which can be used to cook or warm the pot. The resid­ual heat display in­di­cates which zones are hot.

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